Was 2020 a lost year?

I failed my plans. I promised myself an excellent year, full of exciting news from The Classics Workshop. It was almost one year ago, and all you can see, is nothing. Simply niente posts here.

Should I blame COVID? At first sight, I should say yes. Everything that runs against my plans, is bond into the unexpected COVID presence.

Stop creating excuses Carlos! It’s all up on you! No pressure, but it’s your own fault. 

It’s a fact, that COVID changed our lives a lot, but this doesn’t mean we should excuse all situations with it. It’s such an herculean impact that it’s hitting and hurting our lives. Let’s deal with the situation face to face, the best way we know and we can.  

Some things changed in my life since the beginning of this year. Thats why the high priority for writing new blog posts I established was turned into a less important task for this year.

I was forced to learn (how) to say NO more times, even for myself. I’m trying to be a better and more prudent person this year.

We can’t control everything is an uncontrollably fact that makes more sense this year than nevermore. 

Beyond COVID, I started to build my new home.

Building a house is like catching a roller coaster. Every time you have a big objective to achieve you need to be available to give up from other things, until then they were a way more important. We can’t be everywhere at the same time. Even our thoughts can’t. So, lets focus on what really matters now.

Time concept gained a different approach from me. Time is really finite, so let’s pay attention to what really matters for us. Time is passing by and we just need to enjoy it the best way we can.

Backing to The Classics Workshop, this doesn’t mean nothing happened. I decided to rebuilt the website with a new design according to the new brand image and mindset. I also created an online store when you can buy some pieces I’m creating from old stuff. 

This year is also being important to enjoy the lock down to organise video and photo files I have archived during the last years. I’m working on it to publish some new Youtube videos until the end of the year.

So, stay safe and tuned because the best is yet to come.